Ancient Egypt

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The life Egypt was comfortable, just like now, we live comfortably, the Egyptians had a wealthy life. They trade with others and they became stronger. The Egypt’s history was divided into three parts, the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom. But the people in each Kingdom had the same daily life there were also some things that did change around the history.

In Egypt, people were divided into three classes. The upper class included pharaoh, priest and nobles. The middle class included traders, artisans, farmers and herders and so on. The lower class included unskilled workers .In addition, the pharaoh were put in a pyramid.

 In ancient Egypt, the father led the family. But women could also own and pass on property. They could sell things or perform religious ceremonies. The Egyptian children seldom went to school, because their mother could teach them at home. They had time for fun, as well. Because of the Egyptians worshiped many deities, or gods and goddesses and Egyptians thought pharaoh would enjoy the afterlife, so some elites invented a way to protect the dead body from decaying. They called the protected body a mummy.

Consequently, Egyptians’ lives were different from others. For example, Egyptians’ life and Sumerians’ life were very different. Sumerians’ society didn’t divided into three classes, but Egyptians’ society did .On the other hand, Sumerians and Egyptians had a similarly of worship, but they worshiped different gods or goddesses. In addition, they all believed about afterlife. But Egyptians built Pyramids to put pharoahs’ dead bodies in, while Sumerians didn’t have that.

All in all, Egypt was a historical and mysterious country, there are still unknown things about Egypt .But surely they had their own daily life. Maybe it was not like the modern life, but the Egypt was always an amazing place.


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