The Ancient Greeks

上海龙凤shlf最新地址There was a Kingdom called Persian. This was a powerful Kingdom . But Persians decided to regin  Greeks . So the Persians offense the Greeks and the three important wars in the history of the Greeks began.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址In 490 BC, Persians arrived at the plain of Marathon with 20,000 soldiers and a very powerful fleet . The Greeks , however , only had 10,000 soldiers . But they hide on the hills and let the Persians couldn’t see them . After a few hours , the Persians were tired of waiting , so the commander decided that the horsemen in the cavalry would be the first to board . And this was a weong decision. So at this time the Greeks rushed down the hills and defeated the Persians. This was the first battle --- the battle of Marathon.

No long after the battle of Marathon , 7,000 Greeks soldiers  were holding off the Persians at Thermopylae for two days. While a traitor led the Persians to the back of the Greeks . As the Persians prepared for the final attack . The King of Sparta let the other Greeks go and stayed to hold off the Persians . The King of Sparta and 200 Sparta soldiers fought against the Persians to the death . This battle was called the battle of Thermopylae , this battle let the Greeks had enough time to assemble 200 ships .

After the ferocious battle, the Persians decided to offense the Greeks on the sea , so they led a powerful fleet which formed by big ships . While the Greeks used some small ships which was also easy to control to defeat the Persians . In addition , they hit the Persians’ ships with sharp straight metal in front of the ships and let the Persians ships sink.

 In brief , the Greeks united at the dangerous time and defeated the strong Persians , and the Greeks not only protect themselves , but also leave many exciting stories to the human .


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