The differences between Hammurabi’s Code and today’s law

上海龙凤shlf最新地址As we all know , Hammurabi was a young man and he succeeded his father , he became the king of Babylon . During his reign, he changed Babylon into a large , powerful state . He also united Mesopotamia under one rule . And he directed projects ,built city streets ,restored temples ,so the Babylon was just like the city today.

The most important of all , he made a law code that was the earliest law code till now . But I think some part of the code was cruel , because the code’s punishments were always dead ,or some cruel punishments.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址But most of the code were fair , the code follow the truth of “Answer blows with blows”. The  code also protect the weak , and brought order and justice to society.

In addition , the Hammurabi’s Code had many differences to the laws today .In ancient Babylon , people believed there were gods and demons . They believed everything should decided by the gods.

One of the laws was : throw a person into a river to see if he is guilty . If he survived ,he could own the plaintiff’s house . If he died , the plaintiff could own his house.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址I think this law was stupied . Today ,we believe science . Although there are still some people who believe the gods. But most of the humans don’t think that the gods should make the decision.

On the other hand , some of the laws in the code were too cruel ,so today we don’t use them at all . We think everyone is equal .We should not be cruel to anyone.

In brief , though Hammurabi’s Code had some deficienies , this code helped make Babylon a powerful state. The code also gave the modern people with wisdom . The Hammurabi’s Code is an inconceivable heritage for us. 


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