
I also had my illusions. I thought life was going to be a brilliant comedy, and that you were to be one of many graceful figures in it. I found it to be a revolting and repellent tragedy, and that the sinister occasion of the great catastrophe[33a], sinister in its concentration of aim and intensity of narrowed will-power, was yourself, stripped of that mask of joy and pleasure by which you, no less than I, had been deceived and led astray. 

我呢,也有我的幻想。 我以为生活会是一出绝妙的喜剧,而你会是剧中一个风雅备至的人物。后来却发现它原来是一个令人反感、令人恶心的悲剧。而带来大灾难的险恶祸端[33a],其险其恶在于苦心孤诣、志在必得,就是剥去了欢娱和喜乐面具的你本人。那面具不但骗了我,也骗了你误入歧途。