上海龙凤shlf最新地址As regards the other subject, the relation of the artistic life to conduct, it will no doubt seem strange to you that I should select it. People point to Reading Gaol, and say “There is where the artistic life leads a man.” Well, it might lead one to worse places. The more mechanical people, to whom life is a shrewd speculation dependent on a careful calculation of ways and means, always know where they are going, and go there. They start with the desire of being the Parish Beadle, and, in whatever sphere they are placed, they succeed in being the Parish Beadle and no more. A man whose desire is to be something separate from himself, to be a Member of Parliament, or a successful grocer, or a prominent solicitor, or a judge, or something equally tedious, invariably succeeds in being what he wants to be. That is his punishment. Those who want a mask have to wear it[125a]. 

至于另一个主题,即艺术生命与为人处事的关系,无疑你听了会觉得奇怪,我怎么会选这个主题。人们指着雷丁监狱说,“艺术生命就把人带到这等地方。” 嗯,还可能带到更糟糕的地方去呢。对头脑较机械的人,生活是精明的算计,靠的是对各种利害得失的仔细计算,他们总是明白要去的地方,并朝那里走去。要是初衷是当个教区执事,那不管他们处身什么地位,成功当上教区执事就是。如果一个人的意愿是成为一个自己本身以外的什么,比如当个议员、生意发达的杂货商、出名的律师、或法官、或者同样无聊乏味的什么,总是能如愿以偿的。这就是他的惩罚。想要假面具的人就得戴上它[125a]。