20 最后的粉饰

20 最后的粉饰 

“我的天,真希望我也能想到这个办法!”:  “Ocwen-Delivery of Modification Package and Petition by Bermuda Triangle Recovery Services,"posted by Michael Redman, October 19, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迪克西得以修改了贷款合同条款:Michael Reclman,“Victory | National Campaign Pressures Ocwen Financial to Modify Dixie Mitchell's Loan," 4closurefraud.  org, October 24, 2011。

鉴于加拿大杂志《大屠杀》的一条建议:“# OCCUPYWALLSTREET,”Adbusters,July 13, 2011。

“我们没有任何谈判筹码。”:“AG Eric Schneiderman Opposes Foreclosure Deal,” Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, June 28, 2011。

成为这次“证券化失败”的调查核心: Gretchen Morgenson,“Two States Ask if Paperwork in Mortgage Bundling Was Complete," New York Times, June 12, 2011。

“拜托了各位,我们必须支持他”:Michael Redman,“nsmissal of NY Attorney General Schneiderman Shows Obama Administration and Iowa AG Miller Poised to Let Big Banks off the Hook for Mortgage Fraud,"4closurefraud. org, August 25, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“华尔街是他们的主心骨”: Gretchen Morgenson,“Attorney General of N.   Y.  Is Said to Face Pressure on Bank Foreclosure Deal," New York Times,August 21, 2011。

在他的会议室举行洽谈:Dina EIBoghdady,“Shaun Donovan on Confronting Hurricanes, Homelessness and Big Banks," Washington Post,June 11,2014。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址与会各方都将从一个快速的和解方案中获利:Morgenson,“Attorney General of N.  Y.  Is Said to Face Pressure"。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他们所在的州都进行过对止赎的深度调查: David McLaughlin,“Foreclosure-Deal Releases Draw State Resistance Amid Probes," Bloomberg Business, July 26,  2011;  David McLaughlin,  "Nevada Joins States Balking at Releases in  Foreclosure Practices Deal,"  Bloomberg Business,  August 16, 2011。

“加州人民公平和解”联盟: Alejandro Lazo,“Kamala Harris Pressured to Reject Bank Foreclosure Settlement," Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2011。

对于加利福尼亚州的房屋所有人还不够有利: David Da'jen'“California AG Kamala Harris Rejects Foreclosure Fraud Settlement," FDL News, September 30, 2011, http: //shadowproof. com/2011/09/30/california-ag-kamala-harris-rej ects- foreclosure- fraud-settlement。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址摩根大通总部外的确有一条护城河:Betsy Dillner,“Storming the JP-Morgan Chase Castle," Alliance for a Just Society,  May 20,  2011,  http://allianceforajustsociety. org/2011/05/storming-the-jp-morgan-chase-castle。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址如果银行要将人们赶出家门则需要付出沉痛的代价: Mike Konczal,"The Sword and the Shield: Occupy Foreclosures," Rortybomb, October 19,2011, https: //rortybomb. wordpress. com/2011/10/19/the-sword-and-the-shielcboccupy- foreclosures。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他们称其为“住在那里”策略: Michael Redman,“Take Back the Land  l Rochester Liberates Home, Moves Lennon Back into House,"4closurefraud.  org, May 10, 2011。

占领者们就会去保卫那些房子:Zaid Jilani,“Movers and Sheriffs Deputies Refuse Bank's Order to Evict 103-Year-Old Atlanta Woman,"ThinkProgress, November 30, 2011; Zaid Jilani, "Occupy Cleveland Saves Woman's Home from Imminent Foreclosure," ThinkProgress, November 15,2011; Micah Uetricht,“Occupy A4inneapolis Occupies Second Foreclosed Home as Housing Occupations Spread," ThinkProgress, November 22, 2011;Kari Huus, "Homeowner Taps 'Occupy' Protest to Avoid Foreclosure,"MSNBC.com,October 17,2011。

我们从抗议华尔街欺诈转变为:Justin Elliott,“Occupy's Next Frontier: Foreclosed Homes," Salon, November 30, 2011。

丽莎与那些“占领棕榈滩”的新朋友一起组织了两次活动: Lisa Epstein, "December 6th National Day of Action Against Foreclosures-Occupy Our Homes,”Foreclosure Hamlet, December 5, 2011。

当天晚上,抗议者在德意志银行的莱克沃斯北街止赎房产前点燃蜡烛: Lisa Epstein, "Video-Occupy Our Homes National Day of Action Dec 6, 20rl-Palm Beach County Fraudclosure Candlelight Vigil," Foreclosure Hamlet, December 7, 2011。

另外一些“占领我们的住房”的组织则更为激进: Occupy Our Homes,  “ National  Day of  Action  to  Stop  and  Reverse  Foreclosures,"December 6,  2011,  'www. occupyourhomes. org/blog/2011/dec/6/national-day-action-stop-and-reverse-foreclosures; Alain Sherter, "Occupy Wall Street,Homeowners Ally to Fight Foreclosures," CBS News, October 25, 2011;Zaid Jilani,  “ Occupy Atlanta  Encamps  in  Neighborhood  to  Save  Police Officer's Home from Foreclosure," ThinkProgress, November 8, 2011。

罗斯·古迭尔:Huus,“Homeowner Taps‘Occupy' Protest”。

贝斯·索默尔:Jilani, "Occupy Cleveland Saves Woman's Home"。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址维塔·李: Jilani, "Movers and Sheriffs Deputies Refuse Bank's Order"。

鲍比·赫尔:Steve  Frank,“ Former  Marine's  Home  Saved  from Foreclosure,”MSNBC.  com, February 27, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址玫瑰花车游行: David Dayen, "Occupy the Rose Parade: Working Through the Next Stage of the Occupy Movement," FDL News, January 1,2012, http:  //shadowproof. com/2012/Ol/01/occupy-the-rose-parade-working-through-the-next-stage-o f-the-occupy-movement。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址琳恩在内华达发现了另外一个圈内游戏,大概有五分之三的房屋所有人身陷其中:  Samuel Weigley and Michael Sauter,“States with the Most Homes Underwater,”NBC News,July 26, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址意识到了问题的严重性:J.Patrick Collican,“Housing Scam Artists Staying on the Move," Las Vegas Sun, September 25, 2009。

美国银行在与内华达州消费者的沟通和记录以及提交的文件中均做出了不准确的描述: Never should have represented they could:State of Nevada's Second Amended Complaint, State of Nevada v.  Bank of America Corporation et al. ,  United States District Court,  District of Nevada,  Case No.  3:  11cv-00135-RCJ  ( RAM),  filed August 30,  2011,  available at http: //graphics8. nytimes. com/packages/pdf/business/SecondAmended Complaint. pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址特别调查小组找到了包括特蕾西,劳伦斯在内的贷款方程序处理公司的一些员工: Tracy Lawrence's story taken from grand jury testimony,State of Nevada v.  Gary Trafford and Gerri Sheppard,  Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada, Case No. 11AG3037AB, taken November 8 -9, 2011, available at www.  scribd.  com/doc/'75153635/Transcript-Day-1, www. scribd. com/doc/75153619/Transcript-Day-2。

我的签名,请另找人代签,不要让公证的那位签我的名字: Ibid.,day l transcript, 151。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址特拉福德给出了肯定的回复:Ibid.,day l transcript,153。

我真的没想过: Ibid.,day l transcript,166。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址两人在没有公证人在场的情况下签署了606份文件: Indictment,State of Nevada v.  Gary Trafford and Gerri Sheppard,  Eighth.Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada, November 16, 2011, available at www.scribd. com/doc/72962'780/Indictment。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“一些文件的签署流程是有缺陷的”:  “LPS Responds to Nevada Attorney General Announcement,’’press release, PRNewswire, November 17,2011。

警察来到特蕾西的公寓,发现她已经死亡:  “Foreclosure Fraud Whistleblower Found Dead," MSNBC. com, November 29, 2011; Mark Ames, "Tracy Lawrence: The Foreclosure Suicide America Forgot," The eXiled, August 23, 2012, http: //exiledonline. com/tracy-lawrence-the-foreclosure-suicide-arnerica- forgot。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他们还有来自维加斯办公室的其他公证人: Ken Ritterthe,“Three More Nevada Notaries Charged in Foreclosure Fraud Case," Associated Press,December 5, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址以文件欺诈的罪名起诉了贷款方程序处理公司: David Dayen'"Nevada AG Masto Sues LPS for Document Fraud," FDL News, December 16, 2011, http: //shadowproof. com/2011/12/16/nevada-ag-masto-sues-lps- for-document- fraud 。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“莎伦·布林顿可能会因提前一周还贷而失去房屋”: Mark Puente,"Pasco Couple Fear Losing Horne to Foreclosure for Paying Mortgage Too Early," Tampa Bay Times, August 19, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《爱与破碎之家》:Tim Miller, "Love, Your Broken Home," live studio recording uploaded by Tim Miller on May 14, 2010, https:  //www.youtube.  com/watch?  v= Hm_W445bidA。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“在对止赎危机进行全面调查之前,签署一项和解方案为时过早,”:David Dayen, "Lawmakers, 'Fair Settlement' Coalitions Pressuring AGs on Foreclosure Fraud," FDL News, December 15, 2011, http;  //shadowproof.com/2011/12/1 5/lawmakers- fair-settlement-coalitions-pressuring-ags-on-foreclosu re- fraud。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“无权止赎而实施了止赎行为”: Complaint,Commonwealth of Massachusetts v.  13ank of America et al. ,  Suffolk County Superior Court,Docket No. 11-4363, December l, 2011, www. mass. gov/ago/docs/press/ag-complaint-national-banks. pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址马萨诸塞州此举让我们很失望:Diana Olick,“First Major State Lawsuit Filed over 'Robo-Signing,’”CNBC, December l, 2011。

发布了关于琼·克拉克森和特蕾莎·爱德华兹被解雇的调查报告:Florida Department of Financial Services Office of Inspector General, "Report of Inquiry Number 12312,”January 6, 2012, available at https: //wwvv.scribd. com/doc/77393414/IGReport-l。

对总监察长说她们不专业: Letter from Barry Richard to June Clarkson,March12,2010,availableatwww.scribcl.com/fullscreen/66947197。

这份报告显示,丽莎和琳恩利用与琼和特蕾莎的个人关系来影响调查走向:  Michael Redman and Lisa Epstein,  "Bondi/Atwater Inspector General Report Fail  l  Pointing Out a Few of the Many IG Report Deficiencies,"4closurefraud.  org, January 12, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址理查德·罗森告诉《奥兰多哨兵报》的编辑斯科特·麦克斯韦:Scott Maxwell, "On Foreclosure Fraud, Pam Bondi Comes Up Short,"Orlando Sentinel, December 20, 2011。 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址丽莎通过查询公共记录获得了贷款方程序处理公司的律师和总检察长办公室之间的机密交流记录:Michael Redman and Lisa Epstein,“Public Records Request frorn FL AG Employees to LPS," 4closurefraud. org,September 22, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址但密歇根早已发出了更具负面影响的刑事传票: Lisa Epstein,“LPS/ DocX: MI AG Opens Criminal Investigation.  Frmr Dep.  FL AG Jacquot Revolving Doors into LPS," Foreclosure Hamlet, June 16, 2011。

密歇根州总检察长办公室的苏·桑福德: Abigail Field,“Meet Pam Bondi, Foreclosure Fraudsters BFF," Reality Check, January 10, 2012,:vailable at http://web. archive. org/web/20120113202317/http://abigailcfleld. com/? P﹦691。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址这只是为了掩盖事实:David Dayen,“IG Report Whitewashes Firing of Foreclosure Fraud Investigators in Florida," FDL News, January 9, 201.2,http:  //shadowproof. com/2012/01/09/ig-report-whitewashes-firing-of-foreclosure- fraud-investigators-in- florida 。

“今晚,我要求司法部长成立一个联邦公诉人特别小组”: Remarks by the president in State of the Union Address, January 24, 2012, www.whitehouse. gov/the-press-of6ce/2012/01/24/remarks-president-state-union-address。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址现在他们这样做的原因又是什么?:David Dayen,“The Schneiderman Gambit: Financia.l Fraud Unit Appears Designed to Fail, and Grease Skids for Foreclosure Fraud Settlement," FDL News, January 25, 2012, http;//shadowproof.com/2012/01/25/ the-schneiderman-gambit- financial- fraud-unit-appears-designed- to- fail-and-grease- skids- for- foreclosure - fraud-settlement。

他将会以最严厉、最公开的方式告诉大家: David Dayen,“How the Schneiderman Panel Could Work," FDL News, January 26, 2012, http://shadowproof. com/2012/01/26/how-the-schneiderman-panel-could-work。

“公平和解方案运动”充分肯定了该小组的工作:Dayen,“The Schneiderman Gambit"。

州和联邦监管机构宣布与国内五家最大的抵押贷款服务商达成了全国性抵押贷款和解协议:“Federal Government and State Attomeys General Reach  $ 25 Billion Agreement with Five Largest Mortgage Servicers to Address Mortgage Loan Servicing and Foreclosure Abuses," press release, Department of Justice,  February 9,  2012。

除俄克拉何马州之外的四十九个州都加入了该和解协议: Richard Mize, "Oklahoma Is Lone Maverick in National Mortgage Settlement Signed by 49 States,”()klahoman, February 10, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址那时埃里克·施耐德曼表示:“AG Eric Schneiderrmn Qpposes Foreclosure Deal"。

有一百万借款人将得以减少抵押贷款本金余额:Margaret Chadbourn and Aruna Viswanatha, "One Million Homeowners May Get Mortgage Write-downs: U. S.,”Reuters, January 18, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址所有案件都违反了《虚假陈述法》: Rick Rothacker,“Whistleblowers Reap Millions in U.S.Mortgage Suits,”Reuters, March 14, 2012。

她个人将得到1800万美元:Alexander Eichler,“Lynn Szymoniak,Mortgage Victim, Receives $ 18 Million for Investigating Mortgage Crisis,"Huffington Post,March 15,2012。