A Fun Day


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Today is a fun day. Why? Because the animals are having a sports meeting. The animals are very happy. Look there! The monkey is swinging with its tail. The elephant is drinking water with its trunk by the river. On the cleam river, I can see the mother duck and the baby duck, they’re swimming. Near the river, there is a big tree. The panda is climbing it. But it’s slow. Oh, two tigers are busy now. They’re running on the grass. In the sky, three birds are flying. How about the little kangaroo? It’s so cute, it’s jumping. The animals are so funny. And I love them very much!


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Last weekend was a three days weekend because the Labor Day. During a long weekend how to spend the bored time is a big problem and so I decided to go to Little Tokyo which one's in Downtown on Monday with my friends. I was inviting people who I know and finilly I got 3 people—a Korean called Dasung Kim, a Sapnish called Ethan Cohen and a Chinese called Donald Zhang. Actully, I got another white guy but he has something to do so he couldn't come.

Little Tokyo is a place that all about Japan, you can know that from its name, right? There're many sushi and sashimi places, shops that sales Japanese stuffs, and also a anime collection store which is my favorite store in Little Tokyo, no, in the whole Los Angles. In fact, that anime store was our point for today because me, Ethan and Dasung all love animes~

We met in front of Arcadia Mall at 10 a.m. and arrived Little Tokyo by Dasung's dad's car at 10:53. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址First I let everyone ate a bread because that was really good, I eat that every time when I go to Little Tokyo. We chatted a little after we finish that bread, and than we went to a shop called "Tokyo," that's a shop that sales many different kinds of stuffs like pot, razoe, chopsticks, bowl, backpack, pencil case, battery and many many daily necessities. And I think most of items are made in Japan because that's a Japnese shop. This shop also has a little stuffs about anime but only a little, the reason that I take them there was I tried to let them be a little excited because the real fun is yet to come.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址After like about 5 minutes we stayed in that store I just took them to today's point—that anime store. There's many stuffs in that store, unlike that "Tokyo," the stuffs that they have are all about anime! I was so exciting when I walk in that store even that was the third time I been there. They were all exciting, too, because they never been here before. We stayed in that store until 11:40 a.m., and then we went for lunch at a sushi place that called "Fried Fish." We paid by for each own. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Then we visited many differend shops in Little Tokyo. We get back home at 2:30, what a fun day.


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