The colors of autumn

上海龙凤shlf最新地址You quietly, no sound. To reveal a beautiful color.

You quietly, enter Juyuan, a blink of an eye, the beautiful chrysanthemum open, large tracts of golden eyes, which seem to place oneself in the Yellow Sea, the autumn wind, the golden waves, beautiful. Ah, the original is the bright golden yellow in autumn.

You quietly, into farmland, autumn wind blowing, sorghum is ripe, Red Sorghum to a branch bar pressure could not lift up, approached a look, because shy so sorghum red face, from afar, large red like fire burning, oh! The autumn is red.

You quietly, into the vineyard. Look, grapes on like pearls shining like a diamond, dazzling, purple Yingying, large and small, beyond count. Lovely! Opinion, autumn is the purple yingying.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址You quietly, went into the garden, look, those lovely radish, like a fat baby, a very full to eat like, quite a big belly, bulging. Pull out a white, green, may fall is Bai Youqing.

Autumn, is a a riot of colours, I love this colorful, colorful autumn.


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