A Picnic With My Friends

上海龙凤shlf最新地址My name is Sunny. I have four good friends. They are Jenny, Wendy and Betty. I often go out for a picnic with them on Sundays. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址It Sunday today. We go and have a picnic on a farm. We take some apples,bananas, grapes,grapefruits hamburgers and eggs with us. We take drinks like milk and apple juice. Jenny and Wendy like eating apples very much. Bananas are Betty’s favorite fruits. I like grapes and apple juice a lot. I like hamburgers, too. Oh, Betty likes fish,too. So, Betty and I go fishing. Then Betty gets some water.Jenny likes to cook for us and she cooks fish and eggs. She cooks very well. So the food there is very nice. Wendy flies a kite with our cat,lucky. We sing some English songs there. We are all very happy.


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