
Nathan asked, "What do you mean by 'deeper'?"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 内森问道:"'深深地'是什么意思?"

"Well, the further we went into our organization, the more people we found who felt they had less power. They were understandably more afraid of what the change imposed from above might do to them. So they resisted change.


"In short, a change imposed is a change opposed. "But when the Cheese Story was shared with literally everyone in our organization, it helped us change the way we looked at change. It helped everyone laugh, or at least smile, at their old fears and want to move on.


'I only wished I'd heard the Cheese story Sooner," Michael added.


'How come?" Carlos asked.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "Because, by the time we got around to addressing the changes, our business had already fallen off so badly that we had to let people go, as I said earlier, including some good friends. It was hard on all of us. However, those who stayed and most of those who left said the Cheese story helped them see things differently and cope better.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址  "因为当我们开始向变化靠拢的时候,我们的企业已经一团糟了。生意一落千丈,我们不得不解雇一些员工,正如我前面提到的,甚至包括一些好朋友。这对我们大家来说都是一件痛苦的事情。惟一值得欣慰的是,所有留下来的和大多数离去的人都说,奶酪的故事使他们改变了看问题的方式,使他们能够更好地对付各种局面。"

"Those who had to go out and look for a new job said it was hard at first but recalling the story was a great help to them."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "那些离开公司,出去找新工作的人说,开始时确实很艰难,但是,每每回想起这个故事,就会得到极大的帮助。"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Angela asked, "What helped them most?"


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Michael replied, "After they got past their fear, they told me the best thing was realizing that there was New Cheese out there just waiting to be found!


"They said holding a picture of New Cheese in their minds -- seeing themselves doing well in a new job -- made them feel better, and helped them do better in job interviews. Several got better jobs."


Laura asked, "What about the people who remained in your company?"


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "Well," Michael said, "instead of complaining about the changes that were happening, people now said, 'They just moved our Cheese. Let's look for the New Cheese'. It saved a lot of time and reduced stress.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "噢,"迈克尔说:"人们不再抱怨市场环境正在发生的种种变化。他们说'既然我们的旧奶酪已经不见了,那么让我们去找新的奶酪吧。这省去公司许多的协调时间,也减少了公司内部的紧张感和压力。"

"Before long, the people who had been resisting saw the advantage of changing. They even helped bring about change."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "不久前还完全拒绝变化的人,如今也透过这个小故事看一了变化的好处。他们越来越喜欢变化,并且积极创造有利于公司发展的变化。"

Cory said, "Why do you think they changed?"


"They changed after the peer pressure in our company changed."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "我认为这和公司里存在的同事之间的相互影响力有关系,"迈克尔答道:"如果这种影响力改变了,人们就会跟着发生改变。"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 He asked, "What happens in most organizations you've been in when a change is announced by top management? Do most people say the change is a great idea or a bad idea?"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "大家可以回想一下,在你呆过的机构里面,当上级宣布一项改变时,大多数人会有什么反应呢?大多数人会说这改变是一个好主意还是一个坏主意?"

"A bad idea," Frank answered.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址  "一个坏主意。"弗兰克答道。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "Yes," Michael agreed. ''Why?''


Carlos said, "Because people want things to stay the same and they think change will be bad for them. When one person says the change is a bad idea, others say the same."


"Yes, they may not really feel that way," Michael said, "but they agree in order to fit in. That's the sort of peer pressure that fights change in any organization."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "的确如此,但这些随声附和的人在心里也许并不真的这样认为。"迈克尔说:"只是他们为了看起来和最先提议反对的那个人一样聪明以及显得全群,就会随声附和。这就是我所说的同事之间的相互影响力。这种影响力通常会阻碍机构中发生的变化。"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Becky asked, "So how were things different after people heard the Cheese story?"


Michael said simply, "The peer pressure changed because no one wanted to look like Hem!"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 迈克尔耸了耸肩膀,轻松地说:"情况是同事之间的相互影响力改变了,因为大家都不希望自己被别人叫作哼哼!"